Cars Becoming the Holiday Transport of Choice

When you go on holiday you usually associate them with taking a plane somewhere nice and hot or catching a train to mainland Europe through the Channel Tunnel. This tends to be the norm for many holidaymakers but there are plenty of people who prefer to stick to four wheels and the road as a recent survey has found.The survey of 2,000 people has found that 71 percent of people found flying a pain and 69 percent hated the thought of taking a train. The number of people who have either driven their own car or hired one specifically for their holiday has risen over the past few years which seem to suggest that more people are shirking the skyways for the highways!Obviously there are a good percentage of holidaymakers who are afraid of flying and people that hate being cooped up with little leg room so this may explain why so many people dislike flying. Taking a train is often associated with lengthy delays in this country so that sheds some light on why people hate trains so much too.